
The original film score

Project Description


Epic Sound composer Simon Ravn composed the original score for Tarok, a major new Danish film. It tells the story of Denmark’s most famous race horse and the family behind it.

Tarok is directed by Anne-Grethe Bjarup Riis, whose directorial debut Hvidsten Gruppen became the best selling Danish film in 2012. Simon was also composer on Hvidsten Gruppen.

Hvidsten Gruppen was the third film Simon’s worked on which turned out to be the best-selling Danish film of the year of its release. We’re obviously very happy with that track record :)

Project Details

  • Client Test
  • Date 2013-10-30
  • Tags Film

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OPPO ColorOS 14 sound design

Company address

Epic Sound ApS
Birkedommervej 31
2400 Copenhagen NV
Phone: +45 4695 0246
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